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Please read this information carefully before booking a remap.


Thank you for choosing Optimal Automotive to carry out your engine remap. We are dedicated to bringing you a quality service which you are fully satisfied with.  However, it is your repsonsibility to read and understand the following points.


By booking your remap with us, you are accepting these terms and conditions.



1. Expected improvements

1.1 All power, torque and MPG figures quoted and shown on our Remap Calculator are estimates/expected gains, which are based on our experience and prior testing (sometimes at dyno centers). If you dyno test your vehicle after our remap without having a dyno test before, you accept that without an original figure (baseline), the final outputs cannot be questioned.


1.2 The gains that you experience, are largely dependent on the condition of your vehicle at the time of remapping/testing and can be influenced by the weather conditions on the day. The quality of fuel you use in your vehicle, can also make a significant difference to gains achieved. We recommend Premium brand E5 petrol, such as Shell V Power, Tesco Momentum or BP Ultimate. If you have a higher powered petrol turbo car (such as an Audi S3) filled with regular E10 petrol, it is commonplace to see issues after remapping that might mean we need to adjust the tune to compensate, and you may consequently get lower gains. For higher performance turbo-diesel vehicles (such as BMW 335d), we recommend BP Ultimate Diesel.


1.3 The percentage gains for fuel economy are stated as averages, and can differ from car to car. There are also many external factors that affect MPG figures, such as driving style, grade of fuel, tyre pressure, ambient temperature, altitude etc. Optimal Automotive cannot be held responsible if your vehicle does not meet the expected MPG gains.


1.4 Where we dyno test your vehicle before and after your remap, the purpose of the figures are to show the power and torque improvement (both peak and "under the curve") from the baseline test (before tuning) done on the day. All tests will be completed with the highest level of repeatability possible, but since every dynamometer has different tolerances, calibrations and correction settings, Optimal Automotive are not responsible for the final figures. As such, dyno test results may vary from estimated gains on our Remap Calculator. For safety reasons, dyno testing is usually conducted in third gear - meaning dyno results will vary from a chassis dyno (rolling road) where testing is usually conduted in 4th or 5th gear. This does not mean your results are inaccurate, or the tuning is at fault.


2. Warranties and liabilities​​

2.1 If you choose to remap your engine or transmission, you do so wholey at your own risk. Optimal Automotive does not provide a warranty on your vehicle. If your vehicle has over 100k miles on the odometer, we reserve the right to decline to remap it.


2.2 Remapping sometimes emphasises underlying issues already present in a vehicle's engine or transmission. For example, whilst a vehicle may not have any known problems or show any faults on the dashboard or during our Pre-Tuning Health Check, it may have a component approaching the end of its serviceable life. This will not be outwardly evident to the customer or to Optimal Automotive. Applying a remap may cause a component to fail sooner than it would have done anyway. There will be no refunds or liabilities due for any such problems after a remap.


2.3 We do not advise remapping a vehicle you have just purchased, due to faults that may be present from the previous owner/garage. 


2.4 We take every precaution to minimise risk, but in the extremely unlikely event of an ECU failure during the remapping process caused by a factor outside of our contol, Optimal Automotive cannot be held responsible or liable for any costs or any loss of earnings. This could include, but not limited to, an unexpected power outage/surge.


2.5 The software warranty covers you for software re-installation in the event of a fault in the code, and is valid only during your ownership of the vehicle (is non-transferrable). Optimal Automotive will make the final decision if the code is faulty, and we do not accept third party opinions. If our remap is inadvertantly wiped by a software update applied by a garage or dealership, we can reapply the remap at a flat rate of £125. Where a software update has applied an OBD lock or tuning lock to the ECU, Optimal Automotive are not responsible for removing this lock. Additional costs to remove the lock will apply, and will be charged per hour with a minimum charge of £50.


2.6 If we need to remove any components to gain access to your OBD port or ECU/module, we will take the appropriate level of care, but Optimal Automotive is not liable for any damage that inadvertently occurs. As the vehicle owner, you are responsible for the underlying condition of your vehicle. An example would be removing a plastic scuttle panel at the base of your vehicle's windscreen, which are commonly poorly refitted or previously damaged during windscreen replacement.


2.7 Where an ECU security cage needs to be removed to reprogam your ECU in bench or boot mode, an initial fee of £50 will be payable and £50 per hour for additional time spent.


2.8 If your vehicle has a warranty, you are responsible for checking if a remap will invalidate all/part of your warranty. Optimal Automotive accept no liabability for a voided warranty after we have installed a remap, or after we have installed any parts you request us to fit to your vehicle.


2.9 Where you supply parts and have instructed us to install them on your vehicle, Optimal Automotive are not repsonsible for the quality/fitment of the parts. If part fitment is substandard or a part itself is defective, and extra time beyond the estimate is incurred, you will be charged at our advised hourly rate. All estimates for fitting time are approximate, and any difficulties removing existing parts or fitting new parts will results in extra charges at our advised hourly rate. If we find damaged parts during our installation which need replacing or fixing to complete the job, you will be charged for the parts and the labour for fitting.


3. 7 Day No Quibble Money Back Guarantee

If you are unhappy with your remap, or change your mind for any reason, our 7 Day No Quibble Guarantee (introduced on 3rd January 2024) entitles you to a full refund, if you instruct us to remove the remap and return your vehicle back to factory ECU calibration. The guarantee commences on the day of remapping, and expires on the 7th day. For example, our remap was added on the 1st day of the month, and expires at 11:59 on the 7th day of the month. Any claims beyond the 7 days will not be considered. Beyond 7 days, the Software Warranty applies.



3.1 Cars with over 100k miles on the odometer are not eligible for the guarantee.

3.2 This guarantee is not valid if your car is previously remapped, as we may not be able to reapply the other tuner's software.

3.3 This guarantee is not applicable to stage 2 or 3 remaps, as you would also need to reverse the hardware upgrades.

3.4 This guarantee is not available for emissions solutions (off-road use only).

3.5 This guarantee does not cover any claims for damage to your vehicle during the seven day period or any related loss of earnings.


4. Existing condition of your vehicle

4.1 As the current owner of the vehicle, you know, to the best of your knowledge, that there are no pre-existing faults/mechanical issues with the engine or vehicle that may hinder or affect the remapping process or its subsequent reliability. We carry out a Pre-Tuning Health Check (test drive, visual inspection, full diagnostic scanning and datalogging where supported by your ECU) before commencing work, but this doesn’t always show every fault in the vehicle. It is your responsibility to disclose any such issues prior to commencement of work.


4.2 If your vehicle has an automatic transmission, we will perform a diagnostic check to look for any faults logged in the memory of the transmission control unit, but Optimal Automotive are not responsible or liable for any issues related to the gearbox or transmission that may be revealed after an ECU or TCU remap. It is your responsibility to ensure the transmission has been serviced according to the recommendations of the gearbox manufacturer or specialist (not the dealership) and is in fully working order. Clutch slip in a manual transmission vehicle is possible after a remap if the clutch is approaching the end of its usable life, or due to an aggressive driving style. Optimal Automotive are not responsible for any clutch wear or slip you might experience. We will advise you when an uprated clutch is required.


4.3 As the current owner of the vehicle, it is your responsibility to know its past history and whether it has been modified or remapped prior to Optimal Automotive working on it. If you know it has been modified or remapped, then you must make the Optimal Automotive remapping agent aware at the time of booking. In the very unfortunate event that a previous remap causes ECU issues or failure, triggers limp mode or reveals a hidden fault, Optimal Automotive will not be held responsible.


4.4 For the benefit of both parties, we reserve the right to refuse to work on a previously remapped car, and in this situation, the deposit will not be refundable. If we remap your vehicle, and it is apparent during the final test drive or datalogging it was already remapped, the remaining balance will still be due, since we have completed the work you instructed us to. If you suspect your car is already remapped, we recommend you purchase our Map Check service (£125) before commencing with our tuning. If we have to source original software (known as an ori file) to be able to remap your vehicle due to non-original ECU software, this will be charged extra at £65.


4.5 If a previous remapper has applied a tuning lock to your ECU and it cannot be remapped by us (the lock cannot be overwritten or removed), the original full balance is still due to be paid.


4.6 In the unlikely event of a new or undiagnosed problem presenting itself immediately after we have reprogrammed your ECU, we will endeavour to resolve this through software changes, by remaining onsite/contiuning to work on your car for a reasonable timeframe. However, if we deem the issue is unrelated to our work, you may be charged for our time and be wholey liable for the costs of any third parties who we hire on your behalf to resolve said issues.


4.7 We strongly recommend you test drive the vehicle after the remap. If you are unable to, or choose not to test drive the vehicle with the Optimal Automotive agent present, Optimal Automotive cannot accept any liability for faults or issues found after the agent has left. If you request we return to the vehicle for troubleshooting after the job is completed, you will be charged a £50 call out fee, and a further £50 per hour.


5. Emissions solutions

5.1 If your vehicle has a factory fitted emissions system, you should not modify it in any way as to reduce its effectiveness. As such, our emissions solutions are intended for off-road use only. We advise of this during the sales process, in the invoice and in the vehicle condition report. You accept, at your own responsibility, all potential penalties that may result from driving a vehicle on the road with a modified emissions system(s).


5.2 If you bring your vehicle to our premises for an emissions solution, we advise you organise a vehicle recovery truck or trailer to relocate your vehicle afterwards.


5.3 A missing or modified DPF, EGR or catalytic converter (where one was fitted when the vehicle was manufactured) can result in an MOT failure. By instructing Optimal Automotive or a third party to remove or modify any of the above, you accept at your own responsibility all potential penalties.


5.4 If you instruct us to remap or apply an emissions solution to your vehicle when the engine is not able to be started due to a fault or electronic engine lock, Optimal Automotive cannot be held responsible for any engine management lights that are present once the engine has started running again.


5.5 In some cases, your vehicle may need to be recovered to a dealership to remove an electronic no-start lock. Optimal Automotive are not liable for any costs associated with this.


6. Booking and Payment

6.1 Clients must book appointments in advance by speaking with us on the phone or by booking on our website.


6.2 A 25% deposit is always required to make a booking, and we will specify a deposit due date in order to secure your chosen date. If you do not pay your deposit by the deposit due date, your appointment time will become available to another customer.


6.3 Your deposit is non-refundable, irrespective of any change in circumstances you may experience before or on the day of your appointment. If you fail to attend your appointment, or are more than fifteen minutes late for your appointment without notifiying us, your deposit will not be refunded. If we deem your vehicle unfit or unsafe for remapping after our Pre-Tuning Health Check, your deposit will not be refunded.


6.4 You can reschedule your remap, but you must provide at least 48 hours written notice.


6.5 Any refunds for deposits or purchases made through our website, will have merchant fees deducted.


6.6 If you financed your remap through PaymentAssist, any refunds issued by us will less their fees.


6.7 Any supplier related fees that Optimal Automotive experience, will also be deducted from your deposit.


6.8 Final payment is due upon completion and collection/return of your vehicle. We will not release a vehicle with an outstanding balance, and you will be charged a vehicle storage fee of £20 per day until the balance is settled.


​7. ECU Cloning

7.1 When you instruct us to provide an ECU cloning service, Optimal Automotive does so on a non-advised basis. If you suspect your ECU is faulty, we recommend you send it to an ECU testing facility (Optimal Automotive does not provide ECU testing).


7.2 Optimal Automotive does not guarantee that ECU cloning will be the solution to the problems you are experiencing. ECU cloning is done solely at your discretion and risk.


7.3 Optimal Automotive is not responsible if the donor ECU you provide is the incorrect model for your vehicle, or has pre-existing faults.


7.4 All ECU cloning jobs must be paid for in full in advance, and there are no refunds or guarantees on ECU cloning.


8.0 Carbon Cleaning

8.1 Our engine carbon cleaning service is available as an add-on to a remap, or as a standalone service.


8.2 Carbon cleaning is an established technology that has been used for many years to internally clean carbon deposits from combustion engines to improve how they run. Optimal Automotive cannot guarantee specific results from our carbon cleaning service, since every vehicle's condition is unique and it is impractical to inspect internal engine components before or after cleaning. Carbon cleaning is best utilised as a regular service, not to clean back to bare metal.


8.3 We will carbon clean your engine for a minimum of one hour, and a maximum of ninety minutes (at our discretion based on on engine size).


8.4 We will drive your vehicle after the clean, to finalise the process. The engine will be held at around 3,000rpm for around three minutes, to remove loose carbon deposits. If you would prefer to complete this drive yourself, please instruct us at the time. If we deem your vehicle unsuitable for this test drive or unfit for use on UK highways, we will not undertake it. When it is not possible to complete the post-clean test drive, any fault codes that may appear afterwards are the responsibility of the vehicle owner.


8.5 Our carbon cleaning service includes a full vehicle diagnostic scan, for which you will receive a digital report via email or SMS. Optimal Automotive are not repsonsible for removing or resolving any fault codes found, as carbon cleaning is not a repair service. The diagnostic check is merely for your information, should you wish to address any issues identified with your chosen garage.


8.6 Our vehicle condition report is a ten point summary of the general condition of your vehicle. Optimal Automotive are not responsible for the roadworthiness of your vehicle, before or after our services.


8.7 Our carbon cleaning service does not include a warranty, and Optimal Automotive are not repsonsible for any issues post-clean.


9. Modification of Terms

9.1 We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time and without notice.


Hill Lane, Sturmer, Essex CB9 7XP

We cover: Haverhill, Sturmer, Newmarket, Cambridge, Bury St Edmunds, Colchester, Braintree and surrounding areas within East Anglia

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